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  • X: Night Of Vengeance

    Ever wondered what it would feel like to be told after the event that your lap-dancer has crabs? Wonder no more – this exploitation thriller come ho-mance will take you through it step by sordid step.

  • This Week’s Releases: The Trailers

    Yep, the coming week is mere moments away. Quite a lot of moments, admittedly, but look at them – all lined up ready to throw themselves into the ever-thinning gulf between you and Monday morning. Still, at least there are NEW FILMS to be watched. And what better way to decide on what to feast your face on then by watching the trailers? Yes, there are loads of better ways, but this way is mega-easy.

  • News Round-Up Feb 13th-17th

    Another week gone, and unless you’re Whitney Houston you’ve managed to survive it! (We’ll stop the Whitney jokes next week, promise). What better way to celebrate your continued existence than to crawl back into bed and read about all the things what done happened since last time we presumed upon your weekend?

  • Top 10 Nicolas Cage films

    Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is right around the corner and no-one is excited. Seeing as this will be yet another inevitably awful Nicolas Cage film, we’re trying to remind ourselves that he’s not always been that bad…

  • Friday Drinking Game #39 – Motorcycle Movies

    With Nicholas Cage galloping back onto the screen for the long awaited (ahem) sequel to Ghost Rider this week, what better way to celebrate than with a high speed, booze fuelled marathon of motorbike classics? So, grab your buddies, a dangerous amount of alcohol and a fistful of biker flicks and get ready to lose the next six hours of your life riding the highway to a serious blackout.

  • The Vow

    The potentially toxic pairing of Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum come together for a surprisingly warm love story. That despite Tatum’s best attempts to ruin it with his plank of a performance.