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  • BFF Advent Calendar – 18th of December

    ‘Twas the Sunday before Christmas, and at Best For Film we’ve rustled up something special for your Advent calendar treat: a whole blooming film! Check it out, but don’t get ahead of yourself and peel any carrot sticks for tea – you might not want them later…

  • Friday Drinking Game #32 – Shipwrecked Films

    Today marks the release of the third – the actual third – film in the Chipmunks series (whywhywhywhywhywhywhoisresponsibleforthis). Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip-Wrecked (we don’t see what you did there. Can someone explain the joke?) follows the Chipmunks and their girlfriends (?) the Chipettes as they go on a cruise (why?). They fall overboard and get shipwrecked (ohhhh we get it now! This film needs to die). In honour of this film’s arrival, we bring you this week’s drinking game. So hollow out a coconut, fill it with Malibu, pop in a DVD and settle down with your favourite anthropomorphised ball.

  • Top 10 Emotionally Devastating Christmas Moments

    Christmas. It’s a time of unbridled joy. Ecstasy, even. But lest we all forget ourselves, strip naked and begin cavorting around the tree, driven mad with pure bliss, BFF has taken the time to compile a list of the top ten film moments that will make you remember the truth: that life is actually a sad, lonely, painful dredge. And that Christmas sucks. Just ask James Van Der Beek. He’ll give it to you straight.