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  • The Dark Knight Rises viral campaign begins

    Although Christopher Nolan’s third and final Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, won’t be on our screens until next July, it looks as if Warner Brothers are seeking to replicate the huge success of its predecessor’s viral advertising campaign. It all starts here… but what does any of it mean? And who is Dr Leonid Pavel?

  • The Thing

    A prequel to John Carpenter’s 1982 remake of 1951’s The Thing from Another World, The Thing should by all reasoning have been even more offensive than the thing you last picked from the sole of your shoe. In actual fact, Matthijs van Heijningen Jr’s film is an uninspired but grotesquely effective prelude to a genre classic. Or something.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #48

    Christmas exultation-ing taking its financial toll? Worrying about how many loved ones will be super-stoked about getting A Hug Voucher again this year? Screw them. It’s Wednesday. And on Wednesday, we celebrate the birth of another sacred vessel – that of Two For One Cinema. Praise Be!

  • Top 10 Cats in Film

    This Friday, Dreamworks’ Shrek spin-off Puss in Boots is hitting the cinemas. To celebrate this occasion, we are taking a look back at some of our most beloved onscreen cats. We’ve also invited along noted cat scientist Professor Snowypaws to help us out.

  • BFF Advent Calendar – 7th of December

    So many films nowadays forget the true spirit of Christmas – where’s all the self-loathing, eating until you vomit and the endless squabbling with your relatives. “You can’t spell ‘families’ without ‘lies'”, as one of the stars from today’s Advent Calendar window might say…