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  • Justice

    Justice, the second Nic Cage thriller to hit our screens this week, is slightly better than Trespass, the first Nic Cage thriller to hit our screens this week. So… that’s something, isn’t it?

  • Top Ten good film/bad film combos

    You know what’s great about actors? Sometimes they make a really good film. Then again, sometimes they make a really bad film. And sometimes, just sometimes, the same actor does both within a remarkably short space of time. Join us as we count down the ten actors who’ve flipped the classic/flop switch with incredible speed.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #46

    This week sees a new Twilight film, a(nother) new Nic Cage film and a Bollywood film about someone called Hitler – let’s be honest, you’re going to need some help to navigate the minefield of potential Orange Wednesday choices. If only there was some sort of stalwart blogging team waiting to inform your decision! Hey, wait…