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  • Top 10 most unfortunate celebrity fragrances

    Yesterday the UK officially banned the ad for Dakota Fanning’s new fragrance, on the grounds that anyone who sees it will instantly have sex with a child. Smells like Nonce-sense to us. To celebrate this entirely rational decision, let’s spray on some Mysterious Girl and breathe deep the scent of Baffling Cash-Ins. Or, as we like to call them, Celebrities 4D (WITH AROMASCOPE)

  • Top 10 ways to spot a Hollywood loser

    How to Stop Being a Loser is out in just a few days – but how can you stop unless you know how you started? Our handy guide to Loserville, TN (population: you) will help you navigate the treacherous terrain of social acceptance without becoming a one-note joke in American Pie. Does anyone even remember the Sherminator?

  • Interview! We talk to Missing Pieces director Kenton Bartlett

    At the age of 23, Kenton Bartlett has written, filmed, directed and produced a feature length film. Whilst taking some time out from making the rest of us feel inadequate, Bartlett has kindly agreed to give us the inside scoop on the making of Missing Pieces. This is one for all you budding directors out there – but be warned, making a film isn’t as easy as it looks…

  • Margin Call

    As the financial crisis looms, one firm has to make the toughest of calls in this excellent fiscal drama. Margin Call has got the right cast, the right script and the right message to become a classic. The only villain here is the capitalist system itself; something no protagonist can overcome because “the money’s too good.”