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  • Orange(Wednesday)s And Lemons #43

    We’ve just had the hottest October on record. You know what that means, right? It means prissy little Miss November is jonesing for attention. In preparation for what will invariably be monsoon/earthquake/volcano-shorts season, the best thing to do is secure yourself a seat in the nearest filmy-box and gaze this dreadful month away…

  • One Life

    Daniel Craig goes all Doctor Doolittle in this fun little documentary that tries to convince us that, deep down,we’re not so different from the animals. Actually, as it turns out,that only applies to Daniel Craig.

  • Top 10 Films that Messed With History

    In honour of Roland Emmerich’s latest film Anonymous, which claims Shakespeare didn’t write his plays, BFF brings you the Top 10 list of films which have messed with history over the years. Whether it’s romanticising a horrible tale for the purposes of not making children cry, or casting Johnny Depp as an English detective, this list explores the ten films which over the years have taken History and punched it repeatedly in the face. WARNING: this article contains spoilers and several references to Mel Gibson.

  • Panic Button

    What would happen if the creators of Catfish, Doctor Who and Saw all got together, downed a few pints and then decided to make a film? Why, you’d get Panic Button of course!