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  • WIN: UNKNOWN on DVD x 5!

    Fans of Taken will love Liam Neeson’s latest action thriller about a man who recovers from injuries with amnesia, only to discover another man has stolen his wife, his life and his identity. We have 5 x UNKNOWN DVDs to give away! Competition ends 22 August 2011.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #29

    With the Hollywood monster that is Harry Potter finally at our gates, tis that rarest of all rare occasions: a Wednesday when quite a lot of people will actually go to the cinema. In light of this revelation an awed hush has fallen over BFF, but the question is: what will you be watching?

  • The Drummond Will

    Alan Butterworth presents his debut feature The Drummond Will: a black comedy about two brothers who visit the village their father passed away in, only to be faced with a bag full of money, a village full of lunatics, and numerous over-the-top ‘comedy’ voices.