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  • Cheat Sheet: Brendan Gleeson

    One of those “Isn’t he the one from…” actors, Brendan Gleeson has been consistently delivering great performances for nearly twenty years, without ever really getting major recognition outside of industry circles. Perhaps with his current release The Guard getting glowing reviews, and with his directorial debut At Swim-Two-Birds in pre-production, he’ll finally be rooted in the public consciousness. Lord knows he deserves it.

  • Larry Crowne

    Larry Crowne is the second directoral attempt from Tom Hanks, and is a film that you want to love so much that you end up liking it, just a little bit. The onslaught of college-based clichés are almost balanced out by the few genuinely funny comedy moments that pepper the film, and Julia Roberts is at her least annoying in years.

  • Top 5 Cinematic Zombie Recipes

    There’s always a time when you could do with a zombie; they’re useful for everything from keeping your place in queues to warning the neighbours not to do their DIY when you’re asleep (“Or Ralph here will just push the fecking wall down, geddit?”). But how the devil do you go about getting one? Luckily for you, we’ve collated some of the best zombie recipes in cinema history…