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  • Cold Weather

    Indie film maker and ‘Mumblecore’ architect Aaron Katz is back with Cold Weather, another low-budget project involving a cast of attractive 20-something unknowns. But what promises to be a modern day Sherlock Holmes-style mystery sadly turns out to be a fairly dull and aimless character study which never really gets going.

  • Untitled Batman Reboot: A Reimagining Too Far?

    With Hollywood apparently caught on repeat with nothing making it past the fourth instalment unless its a decade on and eligible for an encore, I ask if the current stream of superhero reboots are necessarily a bad thing. While Christopher Nolan might be leaving Gotham, and as the Justice League may necessitate a different Batman, this reboot culture has left many more winners and losers in its wake.

  • The Roommate

    Imagine a scenario in which movie execs decided that the cast of Gossip Girl resembled something akin to actual actors…now picture an insidious conspiracy in which these cast members began to appear in actual films, based solely upon this diabolical premise of untruth. Alas, you are not the first to envision such a hideous reality – someone has beaten you to it, and The Roommate is that very nightmare.