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  • Taxi Driver

    Travis Bickle, a lonely, insomniac Vietnam veteran, takes on a job as a New York taxi driver to fill his empty nights. As he drives through the streets of the..

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #15

    You know what’s better than Wednesday? Friday. But screw you guys, we’ll probably all be dead by then. Let us rejoice at our current aliveness; let us read words about the cinema, understand the words about the cinema and act on the words about the cinema. Hey, let’s go to the cinema! Wednesday!

  • The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It

    Is anyone else getting really sick of these actually quite good US comedies that have hit the big screen recently? Does anyone think it’s about time someone put Seth Rogan and Judd Apatow in their place(s)? Well you’ll be glad to hear that writer/director duo Brad Kaaya and Craig Moss are here and they’re going to stick it to those Superbad jerks with their funny comedy in the only way they know how: toothless parody and dick jokes.

  • Cheat Sheet: Alan Silvestri

    Where would Back To The Future be without that beautiful aural backdrop of “DER NERRR ner ner ne ner NER NER NER, DER NERRRR de ne ner ner ner NER”? Admittedly it loses something in translation, but the point is, this week’s cheat sheet is dedicated to the man who makes Robert Zemekis sound like a champion: Alan Silvestri.

  • WIN: ENTER THE VOID DVDS and posters!

    Enter the Void is the highly anticipated new film from the French New Wave director of Irreversible. If you want something groundbreaking and technically a cinematological head trip, we have Enter the Void DVDs and posters to give away! Competition ends 26 April 2011.

  • WIN: 3 x INK on DVD!

    Compared to great unique films like Donnie Darko and Inception, Ink is a fantastic indie supernatural thriller about a fantasy world and a businessman’s love for his daughter. We have 3 DVD copies to give away! Competition ends 11 May 2011.