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  • Heartbeats

    Francis (Dolan) and Marie (Chokri) are close friends living in Montréal who meet Nicolas (Schneider) through a mutual friend at a dinner party. Both, despite claiming initial indifference, are intrigued..

  • Fists Of Rage

    Ever wondered what happened to 80s wrestling Superstar and spurious Scotsman ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper? No, neither did I, but a little research reveals that he has held down an acting career for some 20 years. Unfortunately it’s a career that peaked around 20 years ago with the lead role in John Carpenter’s They Live, and from there it was pretty much was all downhill. If you happen to look at the bottom of that hill you will find a twisted and broken wreck called Fists of Rage.

  • Top 10 Movie Druggies

    Who are the most baked, caned, hopped-up or tripped-out characters in movie history? Here, in the sort of order which can only really be dreamt up through a haze of quaaludes, mescaline and Night Nurse, are our top ten.

  • Monday Mash-Up!

    This week the Monday Mash-Up’s got a li’l bit fruity on y’all. It might be the suddenly sultry weather or the biscuits we had after lunch, or it could just be that Alice‘s rabid lust is beginning to leak from her very pores and turn Best For Film Towers into some giant slavering orgy of a website. Anyway, have a peek.

  • The Door

    After a tragic event an artist dicovers a way to travel back in time and change the future, in a mystery/sci-fi/general bit of hokum that, despite starring Mads Mikkelsen, fails to convince.

  • 13 Assassins

    Hara-kiri was the ritual suicide performed in Japan by samurai as an alternative to disgrace or in protest against injustice. Highly ritualised, the method, otherwise known as seppuku, was self-disembowelment..