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  • WIN: 3 x JACK FALLS on Blu-Ray

    Like Sin City, Jack Falls is based on a graphic novel and has a bold black and white colour scheme with splashes of colour! And it’s a British gangster movie! And we have 3 Blu-Rays to give away! Competition ends 29 April 2011.

  • Confessions

    Nakashima’s genre-busting revenge drama is an intense tale of the unremitting evil that lies within children’s hearts (and, possibly, the hearts of their teachers). It’s dark, intense, internationally lauded and would make probably make Gus Van Sant (a) feel jealous and (b) do a happy in his pants.

  • Monday Mash-Up!

    We’re a bit worried. Tradition tells us that today is Monday and it’s therefore time for a mash-up, but we’re concerned that days which Rebecca Black does not explicitly mention in her postmodern epic Friday may no longer exist. We, too, didn’t want this weekend to end IN CASE IT PROMPTED AN EXISTENTIAL CRISIS! Fun. Fun. Fun.

  • Friday Face/Off: Dance Films

    Is it time for the lovely relaxing weekend yet? Is it hell; you know the rules, nobody gets to go home until two of Best For Film’s crankiest writers (and none of us boast what you might call a sunny disposition) have it out on a contentious topic. This week it’s dance films; where do you stand?

  • Submarine

    Submarine is the directorial debut of Richard Ayoade, best known as Moss in geekfest The IT Crowd. Based on the novel of the same name by Joe Dunthorne, it is..