Search results for "tom cruise"

  • Top 10 most WTF casting decisions of all time

    Casting directors probably have one of the most important jobs in Hollywood. When it comes to getting somebody right for a role, all sorts of things have to be taken into consideration, like if they have the right look, or if they’re a cokehead who might just not turn up on set or whether or not they’re Jennifer Lawrence (so hot right now). Sometimes, casting directors take a chance and get it spot on – Heath Ledger as The Joker, anyone? Other times, they not only get it wrong. They get it really, really, weird.

  • Top 10 series-redeeming threequels

    After a wobbly start and a second episode so distressing we didn’t even write a blog about it, Sherlock finally gave the fans (apart from those it’s-all-about-the-brolance twerps on Tumblr) what they wanted with last night’s barnstorming episode. We trot across the big/small screen divide to look at some other third instalments that have restored faith in their respective franchises.

  • Top 5 Romans in film

    Two things, specifically, make the Romans attractive to filmmakers: Christians, and depraved emperors. As a result, they’re now are cemented in cinema as dastardly villains, mad emperors, sex crazed ladies, and gays. Probably incestuous gays. Or bestial gays. Or whatever the worst thing you can think of is. And quite rightly so, the Romans were bastards; that’s why I like them. So here, in no particular order (except number one, which is definitely number one) are my favourite Romans in film.

  • Top 10 archers in film

    Katniss Everdeen is back in cinemas today with The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, in which she will once again rock out with a bow while namby pamby Josh Hutcherson makes croissants and cries for his mummy. But Katniss and Hawkeye and their arrow-slinging ilk are only the tip of the iceberg. Here we explore some forgotten heroes of the world of, errm, archering.

  • Top 10 excellent uses of piano in film

    Music in film is a bloody good thing, but too often it’s just used as an ambient curtain in the background so you’re not sitting in a cinema listening to silence. Because silence is scary. Sometimes, however, music is an actual plot point, and here are some top notch examples.

  • Top 5 restaurant staff in films

    Look, we’ve got a new writer! Having worked in the service industry more or less non stop since the age of 15, Marianne’s kicking off her BFF career with a personal homage to the heroes and heroines, plate carriers, kitchen flakers and cocktail shakers of film. Here goes…

  • Psychoanalysis… in 10 Easy Films

    Psychoanalysis has been tormenting society with its uncomfortable conclusions about your mum for the last century. It has had a huge influence on film, giving filmmakers the opportunity to explore the dark dank recesses of the human psyche while still entertaining with vague references to “penis envy” and “momma’s boy”. We here at Best For Film have dedicated our lives to reducing entire film genres, movements and occasionally random objects (like glasses, or zoos) into easy-to-read lists, and as such we have launched a new blog series, starting with this one: Psychoanalysis in 10 Easy Films.