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  • Short Film Of The Week: The Splott Division

    We enjoy giving a shout-out to any and all brilliant creative minds, especially when they’re relatively new on the scene. With this in mind, we’re happy to introduce our short film of the week: episode one of new web-series The Splott Division. It follows three Wales based superheroes, who, like the rest of us, are falling on hard times thanks to recession-based funding cuts. Funny, silly and brimming with vaguely Jewish sounding clarinets, there’s literally nothing about this we don’t like.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #9

    The great stones of BFF towers are looking sparse and sad today, mainly because resident guard-human Magda is nowhere to be found (she’s a danger to herself and others when she’s roused), and John’s chair keeps collapsing annoyingly/hilariously. Still, tis Orange Wednesday dammit, and the power of two for one MUST BE RESPECTED.

  • You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger

    Continuing his increasingly long-standing tradition of making films just good enough to remind you how much better they could have been, Woody Allen’s 47th outing as a writer and 44th as a director is quirky and charming – it’s a shame that a slew of solid performances aren’t enough to disguise its essential emptiness.

  • Drive Angry 3D

    Messy, ridiculous, violent, naked and generally speaking more than a bit on fire, Drive Angry 3D is deep-fried cinema at its most deliciously insane. It never comes close to touching the knowing cool of a Tarantino or Rodriguez feature, but this adrenaline shot of pure grindhouse indulgence is stupidly satisfying all the same. Dead-Man-Revenging Nic Cage is acted off the screen by his excellent supporting cast, but to be honest, when he’s smoking, shagging, killing and growling ALL AT THE SAME TIME it’s difficult to care.