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  • Meek’s Cutoff

    From Wendy and Lucy director Kelly Reichardt comes a stripped down, neorealist anti-Western with plans to change our fundamentally childish conceptions of the gun-totin’, Injun-lynchin’ Old West. I miss my comfy stereotypes.

  • Oranges and Sunshine

    With Emily Watson in the lead role, Oranges and Sunshine tells the true story of hundreds of thousands of children who were deported to Australia by the British government, and the struggle of one woman to reclaim their identity. Managing to move rather than manipulate, this emotional powerhouse of a drama is undoubtedly the best film I’ve seen in years.

  • Glasgow Film Festival

    Contents of a classic Glaswegian Film Festival: Contains Music, a smattering of Youth Films, several heaped tablespoons of Short Films, a dash of Frightfest, and an independent magazine. Serves two annual awards. Now that’s a huge great big belly-full of Film delights.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #7

    Thank God you didn’t take the plunge and try to make a second friend this week, eh? Imagine – if you had, you’d have to draw straws or something to work out who to take with you for some Wednesday-based Orange goodness. And to be honest, there’s quite enough going on without getting straws involved.