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  • Trailer Trials

    Every film fan loves a good trailer. They can be the highlight of a disappointing cinema outing, and the best way to kill an otherwise dull lunch hour in front of the computer. Whether it’s a titillating teaser trailer or crammed full of split second drama and action, we love a good trailer. But we HATE a bad trailer. Why oh why do they let us in on a film’s biggest secrets and important twists before we’ve had the chance to look away? Here’s a look at some of the best, or rather worst, recent examples.

  • Son Of Babylon

    Son of Babylon marches to a different drum than usual narrative fare; this documentary-style Iraqi road movie will more than likely appeal only to hardcore world cinema buffs, dragging its heels even in its relatively short ninety minutes running time. For those that can stick it out, there is much to enjoy in this sparse tale of a young boy and grandmother searching for their lost family, but its sedate pacing may bore some to tears.


    Africa United is an uplifting and critically acclaimed film about a bunch of kids in Africa who will do just about anything to play in the World Cup. It would put a smile on even Christian Bale’s face… and we have 3 DVDs to give away! Competition ends 10 March 2011

  • Life Goes On

    This Indian drama deals with love and loss without the help of a Bollywood soundtrack. Whilst the tensions between British and Indian culture are interesting, some poor performances and overly sentimental flashbacks result in a grief that seems staged.