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  • John Carpenter’s The Ward

    Nothing groundbreaking or awe-inspiring to be seen here, but John Carpenter being just okay is still better than no John Carpenter at all. Flimsy plot and performances, but what you’re forking over for is the shocks, and he still delivers better than most. Will leave you thinking, “Come on, John… let’s next time get our hands REALLY dirty.”

  • Top ten actors who should play Jesus

    There hasn’t been a really, really good film about Jesus for ages, has there? Actually, there hasn’t ever been one – they’re either unpleasantly graphic (The Passion of the Christ) or cringeworthily obsequious (everything else). We can’t be doing with this dearth of watchable Jesus biopics, so we’ve suggested a few leading men (and ladies) who might be up to the job…

  • Cheat Sheet: Aaron Eckhart

    This week’s cheat sheet features everyone’s favourite Ken doll, Aaron Eckhart. Somewhat passed over in Hollywood, performances in The Dark Knight and Thank You for Smoking, along with a jawline that rivals Sophie Ellis-Bextor, have ensured him a spot in the Best for Film fan club.

  • Sudden Fury

    Breathtakingly poor in all departments except pants-wetting unintentional hilarity, Sudden Fury has to be seen to be believed. Get some friends round, order the tinnies in, and cover the couch in plastic. Fantastic.

  • From Hollywood to Holyrood – Scotland in film

    While Scotland has a relatively extensive cinematic history, from movies about Nessie to The Stone Of Destiny, it also has a tendency to crop up in less expected places. Should you ever plan to visit our highlands and lochs, we wouldn’t want you taking Hollywood’s word and expecting a populace of alcoholic gingers, nor any of the following. As such, we celebrate Burns Night with eight of the most random Scottish cameos in cinema history.