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  • More UK Film Events This November

    Are you worried that November might well end up as the lame month the calendar Gods intended it to be? Do you sit around doing nothing but contemplating the terrible event Christmas shopping will turn out to be? Well I can’t technically help you with any of that. What I can do though is provide you with the awesomeness that is the latest Film Festivals from around the UK!

  • Red & White

    A depiction of Indonesia’s struggle for independence in the 1940s, which will be of great interest if you’re into that kind of thing. For those of us that are a little hazy on post- WW2 colonial conflicts, this is still a film not without its charms; cheesy and creaky in some places but worth a look for those interested in world cinema.

  • Harry Potter and the Film Event of the Generation

    With Harry Potter apparating back into screens next weekend with seventh instalment The Deathly Hallows Part I, Best for Film have endeavoured to catch you up to speed in terms of both the onscreen saga to date as well as the recent promotional campaign. Marketed as ‘The Motion Picture Event Of A Generation’, we would hate for anyone to miss out on either this phenomenal cinematic achievement or the expertly orchestrated promotional propaganda which is preceding it. Now, where did I leave my Quick Quotes Quill?