Search results for "titanic"

  • Friday Face/Off: Actors and their private lives

    The division between celebrities’ public and private lives is growing ever more meaningless, with debauched actors regularly incurring more column inches for their off-camera shenanigans than their performances. But do they deserve this punishing degree of scrutiny? Two of our writers go head to head in this week’s Face/Off…

  • Master and Commander, and other seafaring films to watch drunk

    Last weekend, we ventured to the Isle of Wight to attend the world’s first ever Sail-In Cinema event. Imagine it – not only is Russell Crowe on a boat in Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, but YOU ARE TOO! Aromascope ain’t got nuffin on this. Join us as we attempt to shake a whisky and fresh air-induced hangover and track down the other nautical films best watched whilst three sheets to the wind…

  • The war against ‘sizeist’ Hollywood. Are you in, or out?

    There’s no denying that the ‘size zero’ culture has taken over the entertainment industry, and there is now an increasingly huge amount of pressure on film and TV stars to conform to Hollywood’s idea of perfection. But that idea is changing all the time – skinny was in, then curvy was in and now they just can’t make up their minds.

  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes

    43 years on from Charlton Heston’s first encounter with a society of talking apes, this origin story finally explains exactly why monkeys started wearing helmets. And what a story it is. Unknown director Rupert Wyatt has effortlessly gold-plated his CV with this intelligent and engaging blockbuster, which may well see Andy Serkis win the first ever Oscar awarded for a motion capture performance. A triumph.

  • 3D or not 3D – that is the question

    What an incredible age we live in! Chemical-filled snacks are readily available on delivery at obscene hours of the morning, social networking has become a national sport and now we can even watch movies in three glorious dimensions. But with the great power of 3D comes great responsibility – so has anyone yet managed to rise up and use it to good effect? Or is it just about making an extra couple of quid per person at the cinema? So far it’s pretty much been the latter – but for every shocker there’s been one to come along and blow the rest out of the 3D piranha-infested waters…

  • Film baddies we’re all secretly rooting for

    Everyone loves a villain – more fun to play, watch and steal quotes from than any floppy-haired namby-pamby good guy, and usually prettier to boot. It’s such a shame they always seem to end up getting shot/stabbed/thrown off buildings/drowned/burnt by hot doorknobs (damn you, Kevin McCallister), so we thought we’d round up some of our favourites for a Who’s Who of all the bad guys that really should have won.