Articles Posted in the " Star Wars " Category

  • Why you shouldn’t see Star Wars: Episode I in 3D

    George Lucas’ mammoth rerelease of all six Star Wars films in 3D has finally begun with the most profitable of them all, 1999’s The Phantom Menace. Are you thinking about going to see it, just for old times’ sake? DON’T. There’s no need for you to ruin your comfortably rose-tinted memories of Lucas’ increasingly childish ‘space operas’, and he’ll only use the money to increase the diameter of his neck some more…

  • Friday Drinking Game #37 – Star Wars, Episodes I – III

    Do you know what’s out next week? The 3D version of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, that’s what. We’re warily eyeing our invite to the screening and wondering how we could possibly get out of going. To keep us distracted from the inevitably disappointing experience, we’ve decided to get very drunk and mock George Lucas. So grab some Ewoks, a bucketful of booze and a novelty lightsaber-stirrer; things are about to get messy…

  • The Top 10 Film Plots That Came True

    It’s Christmas time. Sure, it’s the 31st, but TECHNICALLY we’re all still firmly in the 12 Days Of Christmas spirit of things. And you know what happens at Christmas? Miracles. To celebrate all things miraculous, Best For Film will be looking into one of the most awesome of all phenomena; life that imitates film. Here are the Top 10 Film Plots That Came True…

  • Seven Film Franchises You Won’t Believe Are Still Going

    If asked to name successful film franchises, you could more than likely rattle off a few that have held audience interests long enough to exceed the standard trilogy. James Bond. Harry Potter. Star Wars. Heck, even Resident Evil is still putting bums on seats after four instalments. But not all film franchises continue to pull in the crowds, instead defaulting to DVD as they continue to explore their characters, story and that crack in the floor in HMV. We’ve found seven of the saddest…

  • Top 10 Halloween Costumes

    Are you bored of the usual vampires and witches and ghosts of the spooky season? Tired of the Scream mask people don when trying to make a movie reference in their Halloween costume? Us too. And that’s why we have lovingly compiled a how-to costume guide for your perusal. Dress up as any of these and your awesomeness points will, literally, hit the roof, so approach with caution…

  • Top 10 Fashion Lessons Of Cinema

    London Fashion Week just happened. Did you know that? A huge fashionable event JUST HAPPENED in the UK and, if you’re anything like us here at Best For Film, you probably didn’t notice until somebody mentioned it this morning. We felt bad. Well, we didn’t feel THAT bad, but we did decide that we should do something to celebrate; so, without any further ado, here are the top 10 fashion lessons of cinema. BFF style…

  • The Top 20 Films We Want Back On The Big Screen

    Did you know that The Lion King 3D will be hitting cinemas nationwide on the 7th October. And did you know that Jurassic Park is returning to the silver screen this Friday? Did you get that? JURASSIC PARK is returning to the silver screen on FRIDAY! We here at BFF couldn’t be any more excited and, to celebrate the rekindling of our love affair with dinosaurs (dinosaurs, in this case, meaning OLD movies) we’ve compiled a list of the Top 20 films we want to see back on the big screen…

  • Top 10 Cash Cows Of Cinema

    Did you hear that The Inbetweeners is getting a sequel, despite the boys saying that making a second movie would kill the franchise? We wonder what changed their minds? Could it be that they found a unique and different story to tell us about Jay, Will, Simon and Neil? No. It’s because they know it’ll make them a LOT of money and they want to milk this cash cow for all it’s worth. To celebrate this money-grabbing attitude, here are our top ten cash cows of cinema…

  • Top 10 Chat-Up Lines We Learned From The Films

    Heading out on the town tonight and looking to make some new, ahem, “acquaintances”? Not quite as adept with the lingo of love as you’d like to be? Been shot down more times than Boromir in The Lord Of The Rings? Now is not the time to panic, as we’ve done all the hard work for you. After scouring the film database, we’ve pulled out the top 10 chat-up lines that can be applied to any romantic situation, ever ever. So read them. Learn them. Dazzle the opposite sex with them and, when you get laid, send us a box of chocolates. We like chocolates…