Articles Posted in the " Gary Ross " Category

  • The Hunger Games

    Gary Ross fleshes out Suzanne Collins’ sparse survival tale into a fully-fledged dystopian action flick, adding social and political complexities only glimpsed at in the debut novel. Stonking performances from everyone involved, genuinely harrowing scenes of sacrifice and A TOTAL LACK OF WEEPING VAMPIRES make this one teen franchise actual worthy of the label Young Adult. Thanks Bella, but you can go now.

  • Cheat Sheet: Steven Soderbergh

    He brings out a new film every twelve to fourteen minutes, he has permanent standing orders to both Matt Damon and George Clooney, he’s about to direct a Liberace biopic before retiring to focus on his painting and he’s REALLY bald. Any guesses? It is of course Steven Soderbergh, and if you’re planning to see Contagion you’d better get involved with our Cheat Sheet…