Stop showing us the film, MiB team. It’s not your strongest asset.
Whether you’re London, Belfast or Edinburgh-based, this week belongs to Poland. And as for the rest of you, you’re probably better off dead. Unless you’re actually from Poland, in which case we’ll let you off. Polish Film Festival! Hurrah for Monday!
Why aren’t we famous enough to not need first names?
If film titles were a true reflection of their content, Katherine Heigl’s latest mawkish, reductive and ceaselessly boring ‘comedy-thriller’ wouldn’t be called One For The Money. It would be called Yet Another One For The Money, And Also It’s Cool To Be Utterly Incompetent At Everything As Long As Someone Tells You You’ve Got Nice Tits. Tricky to fit that on the posters though, I suppose, considering how much room has to be left for her nice tits.
Oh guess what, it’s time for another Katherine Heigl film to come out. Why? Because you touch yourself. It’s One For The Money day, and the only rational response is to drink until you don’t have a mouth anymore. Have we seen the film yet? That’s hardly the point.
You know what they say – the older the pie, the… erm…. VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA
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