Is It Christmas… Really?

As a film Critic, I enjoy going to the cinema and having my pre-assumptions of a film proven wrong because it then makes writing about it a more enjoyable experience. So when I heard that Emma Thompson had decided to put pen to paper to direct and produce another children’s film called “Is it Christmas…REALLY??” I was quite intrigued as in my opinion any twist on the much loved myth of Santa Claus seemed a little risky to me. With the casting of Chris Martin as the voice of Santa Claus adopting a padded stomach and white beard look, the thought of it made me laugh.

The story of “Is it Christmas…REALLY??” is focused around Santa Claus one day waking up on the morning on 20th of December to decide that enough is enough. He is fed up of having to attend to his several reindeers and downing the glasses of milk and stale cookies that are left out for him beside the Christmas trees on Christmas Eve. So he makes the decision to quit being Santa Claus and do what he wants instead of following the myth of what he should really be doing… sounds like Santa Claus is having a mid-life crisis… really?? This hour and a half animated film races through the many sides of Santa Claus making the audience debate whether Santa Claus is at his best or worst is questionable.

Nonetheless “Is it Christmas…REALLY??” is a tale to which some extent reflects reality that many of us have experienced, waking up and feeling like your life is not going anywhere. With the tagline of “But it’s Christmas” echoing throughout the film, with comedian Chris Rock playing the voice of Oscar the 8 year old boy who believes he can save Christmas, and Cameron Diaz as the voice of the head reindeer, “Just because I am a Reindeer does not mean that I have not got feelings”, this film is a must see for the kids! The budding friendship between Santa and Oscar is enough to leave any child and adult with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

By Mary Isokariari

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