Al Pacino to Receive Glory to The Filmmaker Prize (YAY!)

Al Pacino. Genius. Influential. And extremely attractive despite his face. After only being nominated for an Oscar 8 times, (winning 1 in 1993; Best Actor in a Leading role for his part in Scent of a Woman), he will now be presented with the uber-prestigious Jean-Le Coultre Glory to the Filmmaker 2011.
This award recognises Pacino as an artist who has left an original mark on contemporary cinema at The Venice International Film Festival this year. If you’re a fan of Al Pacino, and to be fair who isn’t, especially you there, reader, on the film website, then keep Sunday September 4th free to join in celebration with the great man by closing your eyes and driving a really fast convertible down your local street, (we at BFF will not take responsibility for any injury or death incurred by those who take us seriously).
He was one of the original method actors in the 1970s and given the roles that he played he must have single handedly inspired half of the young actors swanning around the contemporary silver screen. For some of them I thank you Mr. Pacino, for others… not so much. But for your own work; thank you a million times over!
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