Could Duncan Jones take on Wolverine?

We were all a bit gutted when D’arronofsky decided to jump the Wolverine train, but it may be that there’s hope for the franchise yet. At this year’s Kapow! Comic Con in London, director Duncan Jones was making some very interesting noises about the steely-veined hero – interesting enough to kick the rumour mill into overdrive.
When asked what he thought of the character, Duncan Jones replied “I think he’s a great character, and I don’t want to go on dangerous ground here, but I’d say he’s more interesting to me than Batman. I think they’ve made a very successful run of films with that and I think a good Wolverine film could be an amazing thing…He’s got a sense of humor and he’s gruff. And he’s kind of pissed off at everyone. I like that.”
If there is anyone we’d trust as much if not more than Aronofsky, its the creator of Moon and Source Code. Jones might be a brilliant fit for a franchise that is bursting with potential; the question is, does he actually want the gig? Hold onto your unexpectedly violent sword hands, and we’ll let you know when we hear anything more…
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