Deathly Hallows’ 3D conversion axed

Warner Bros. has U-turned on its decision to apply 3D effects to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I in post-production.
The studio has cited a lack of available time as its rationale for ducking the costly conversion technique ahead of The Deathly Hallows‘ release on November 19th, and insists that Part II – due next July – will be 3Ded like you don’t know what.
However, speculation is rife as to the real reasons behind the unexpected decision. Could it be that Warner Bros. noticed how everyone UTTERLY HATED Clash of the Titans with its crass 3D gimmicks? Or did someone point out that given the extraordinary amount of money that’s been spent on making the Harry Potter series (substantially over a billion dollars at the last count) it’s more than a little tacky to tag on some half-arsed blurring and drag the grosses up by another couple of million? Either way, we’re very relieved – apart from anything else, think what a field day Marketing would have had with Harry-branded 3D glasses…
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