New Year’s Eve gets new, terrible poster

New Year’s Eve, Gary Marshall’s follow-up to previous holiday-themed pukefest Valentine’s Day, has dispensed with all originality for its fourth poster. In short, it’s a list of – mostly – recognisable names and faces (‘Look! Til Schweiger!’ we hear you cry).
Be sure to check out the poster below (go supersized for full dramatic effect by clicking on the image) and let us know your thoughts. Which pairing are you more excited for guys? Lea Michele and Ashton Kutcher, or New Year’s and Eve? It’s just so exciting we can’t decide!
In all seriousness, who has enough time in the day to stop and process all this information? On top of that, the tagline claims New Year’s Eve is ‘The one night anything is possible’ but we all know December 31st is only ever a wretched, lonely affair. Stop messing with our heads New Year’s Eve poster!
A cursory glance at Gary Marshall’s IMDB page suggests that this guy is too old for this shit, so maybe we should go easy on him. Great work Gary, keep it up.
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