No Strings Attached trailer now online

After wowing the entire world with her performance in Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan, it makes sense that Natalie Portman should then go on to star in… ditzy rom-com No Strings Attached with Ashton Kutcher. Hmmmm. To be fair, when you’ve proved you can climb a mountain, is there really any harm in skipping over a brick?
No Strings Attached follows Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman as Friends Who Will End Up In Love, in a comedy about mates who start having sex. Portman plays Emma, a doctor who doesn’t have time for a relationship, but still wants to get her rocks off every now and again. Ashton plays her oldest friend, who – forgivably – goes along with a plan that lets him get it on with Natalie Portman. Take a look at the trailer below, and see whether you think its hit-worthy or entirely missable. We’re reserving judgement for now, but it looks like fairly fluffy fun.
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