Norton responds to Hulk recast

Edward Norton has released a statement on Facebook responding to the news that he will not be returning as the Hulk for Joss Whedon’s Avengers movie. Despite Marvel’s clear swipe at the actor, he remained remarkably gracious, stating that:
‘I sincerely hoped it could happen and be great for everyone but it hasn’t turned out as we all hoped. I know this is disappointing to many people and that makes me sad. But I am very sincerely grateful to Marvel for extending the offer and even more so for giving me the chance to be a part of the Hulk’s long and excellent history.’
He goes on to thank the fans, “For the enthusiasm you’ve sent my way…It means a lot to me,’ and concludes:
‘I’m really proud, and very blessed, to have been one of them and will be thrilled to see him live through other actors. Hulk is bigger than all of us, that’s why we love him, right?’
What a gentleman. So who will be the next Bruce Banner? It has been suggested by that Joaquin Phoenix has already been offered the role. That’s right, the same Joaquin Phoenix who claimed he was giving up acting to become a rapper – and don’t get us started on the beard. We can only hope that Phoenix’s recent behaviour is the stunt that many believe it to be; otherwise Marvel could have a real problem on their hands…
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