Prometheus will NOT be edited to snag a lower certificate

After months of increasingly terrifying trailers, speculation has been rife as to whether Ridley Scott’s hotly anticipated not-technically-an-Alien-prequel Prometheus would be saddled with a prohibitive R certificate in the United States; Scott’s hints that there will be a scene to rival the iconic chestburster moment in his 1979 classic haven’t helped, if we’re honest. But legions of gore fans can breathe a sigh of relief today at distributor Fox’s unexpected announcement that the finished film will absolutely not be cut in a bid for a PG-13 certificate and the wider potential audience that it would entail.
Fox CEO Tom Rothman said: “I can assure the fans absolutely they can take it that the film will not be compromised either way. So if that means that the film is R, then it’ll be an R. If it’s PG-13, then it’ll be a PG-13. But it will not be compromised.”
Ridley Scott has long been a vocal critic of what many see as the unenlightened and arbitrary system of film certification, and we certainly didn’t imagine that he’d be happy sanitising Prometheus for a teenage audience. It’s good to know that Fox agrees.
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