Ice Age 3 – Dawn of the Dinosaurs

Once again we join Manny the mammoth (Ray Romano), Sid the sloth (Jon Leguizamo), Diego the sabre tooth tiger (Denis Leary) and Manny’s wife Ellie (Queen Latifah) in a new adventure. This time with added dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. Following on from Ice Age 2 – The Meltdown, Manny and Ellie are expecting a baby so Manny does everything possible to ensure a safe arrival for his child. All the baby talk makes Sid realise that he too wants a family of his own. He gets into trouble by stealing some dinosaur eggs and then finds himself lost in a strange and dangerous underworld of dinosaurs.
There, Sid befriends a one-eyed weasel named Buck (voiced by Simon Pegg). Together he and Buck must battle against all kinds of dangers. In the meantime Diego is feeling left out of the action but as the troop join forces to rescue their friend, the true friendship and alliance between them all is manifested. Of course in true Ice Age tradition Scrat the squirrel is still searching for his acorn but finds himself seduced by Scratte, a female squirrel who makes his quest even more tiresome.
Simon Pegg’s role as Buck is probably the most credible part of the film. Although perhaps slightly clichéd in the delivery of typical cockney hood rat, this actually adds to the charm of the character. The film is quite fast paced and in places the plot feels a little unorganised. Depsite this, Blue Sky Works have delivered yet another guaranteed hit for children and adults alike.
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