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  • Monday Face/Off – Steven Spielberg

    Week 2 of the revived Face/Off, and in our quest to smear everyone likely to lift an Oscar next month we’re going after Steven ‘literally the world’s most popular director’ Spielberg and his endless production line of successful, enjoyable, inoffensive cinema. You bastard, Steve. Sod your New Year’s Resolution to think only kind thoughts, it’s time to FACE/OFF!

  • Lincoln

    Steven Spielberg’s foray into the well-trodden political battlefield of the Civil War and President Lincoln’s fight to pass a bill against slavery is a predictable candidate for the Oscars, but nonetheless has many exceptional performances to applaud. Daniel Day-Lewis in particular, proves himself to be an excellent President, and makes this worthy (if turgid) drama stand out from the crowd.

  • Top 10 Unsung Gangsters

    The release of Gangster Squad has got us reminiscing about our favourite screen mobsters, and we thought it was about time someone lent a voice to the most unsung criminal masterminds in film. But don’t go looking for Goodfellas and Godfathers – we’ve excluded Scorsese, because his characters are a whole top 10 on their own. NO MORE shall these forgotten bandits be ignored. Who’s the most ruthless, the most unsung gangster of them all? (Some of these are cartoons, by the way. What does that tell you about your childhood?)