Search results for "scientology"

  • Orange(Wednesday)s And Lemons #51

    Well, there’s only so much staring with unrestrained delight at new socks you can do, isn’t there? Christmas is over, new year’s eve brought with it the unsavoury pox that was New Year’s Eve and frankly, it’s time to stop talking to your loved ones and start staring at a screen in the dark. ORANGE WEDNESDAY, hurrah!

  • Extra Curricular Actors…Don’t give up the day job.

    Actors are a busy lot. All the research, workshopping, meetings, studio time, press releases, premiere events, Oscar screenings and after parties must get exhausting. And that’s just for one film. But, there are some go-getting young gunslingers in the acting community who want to go the extra mile and really get involved with the world outside the film industry. And here they are. A list of my favourite actors who want to make a difference.