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  • A Few Best Men

    Have you ever wondered what Nick Harper did after he divorced that nice lady from the BT adverts? No? Well, thanks to director Stephan Elliot, you’re going to find out anyway. Marshall and a few men half his age team up in an effort to make The Wedding Video look as inspired as possible.

  • Battle of the Pacific

    Really? OK – Battle of the Pacific is a dreary WWII yarn sold to me by Best For Film as a ‘Martin Sheen war drama’, which is true if you take ‘Martin Sheen’ to mean ‘Daniel Baldwin’ and ‘war drama’ to mean ‘fiasco’. Running at a good two hours that feel like a bad three, I only made it to the end by turning the sound down and practicing my ukulele as I waited eagerly for the bad news from Hiroshima – and before you mount your moral high horse, just try sitting through Battle of the Pacific yourself and then tell me you don’t want to see people die.