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  • Friday Drinking Game #50: Superhero Films

    Get cape. Wear cape. Vomit. That is the heroic mission of this week’s Friday Drinking Game – with Marvel churning out so many bloody brilliant superhero films lately, we at BFF Towers are all feeling pretty super ourselves for getting through it all. So super, in fact, that we would like to make like Tony Stark and have a bloody drink or five. As well as a leggy blonde of our choice.

  • Top 10 Heckle-Worthy Films

    So you’re drunk. You had one too many at Pizza Express or wherever, and now you’re in the cinema, and you are drunk. And you have FEELINGS. About this film. That you are watching. You may or may not swear at the screen, but whatever you say (you don’t remember in the morning) it is loud. You are swiftly removed from the cinema, and never permitted to return. Dark times. Enter Movie Interruption Screenings.

  • The Hobbit has wrapped!

    So after much debate about whether The Hobbit would ever even begin filming, Peter Jackson updated his Facebook page yesterday with this photo and the news that principal photography for..

  • Storage 24

    How many possessions do you own? Enough to fill up whatever place you live in I guess. Perhaps the most shocking and unbelievable thing about low budget indie flick Storage..

  • God Bless America

    A blackly comic lampooning of American popular culture, writer-director Bobcat Goldthwait’s God Bless America takes aim at everything from The Jersey Shore to American Idol, shooting them down through the combined mediums of satire and bullets. It’s an entertaining ride where the blood flows and the commentary bites, but don’t expect any critiques you haven’t heard before.