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  • The Fairy (La Fée)

    What happens when you mix a trio of international film makers with magic realism, Le Havre, and seaweed bikini dance numbers? You get something like The Fairy, an artsy ditty of a meditation on love, life and happiness.

  • Best For Film’s Favourite Flicks #1 – Death Proof

    Welcome to Best For Film’s newest and best feature! To give you a chance to get to know our bucking and whinnying stable of writers, we’ll be running irregular BFFFF (that’s Best For Film’s Favourite Flicks) blogs so individual scribblers can pop their heads up above the parapet of Best For Film Towers and lay their hearts bare. This week it’s newbie Christine Strouts and her choice – Quentin Tarantino’s Death Proof.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #74

    Is it raining? Is it sunny? Was Prometheus terrible? Is Plan B actually a proper good film maker? So many questions, so many paradoxes, so few opportunities to check whether you need socks or not. Thank God we can all rely on the permanence of TWO FOR ONE CINEMA – when our freebies fail us, that’s when we’ll know we’re really in trouble.