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  • TGIM! The Rooftop Film Club returns

    At Best For Film Towers we’re not generally keen on sunshine – it highlights all the dark circles from late nights spent watching Troll 2 and Last Action Hero, not to mention the wine stains where you missed your mouth in a pitch black cinema – but if summer has one thing to offer us, it’s the matchless Rooftop Film Club. And as of this week, it’s back!

  • This week’s releases: the trailers

    Ever-lurking like the memory of the time you did that really awful thing, we will never, ever be free of Monday. The best we can do is run into its embrace with a knife behind our back, willing to stab it six ways from Friday evening. We’re a bit lost now, to be honest, but let’s commiserate the start of another week by devouring this week’s top releases: the trailer editions.

  • Top 10 Versus Films

    In this vast, unknowable, ever-changing universe there are few things which we can safely rely on to remain constant. Thus those that do, those that struggle on relentlessly, blithely ignoring the evanescent nature of human existence – taxes, the Kardashians, films which pit one mythical creature/alien/abstract concept against another in a brutal fight to the death – can only bring us joy. In recognition, then, of the grand tradition of the “something vs something else” film – and to celebrate the release of Strippers vs. Werewolves – we bring you the Top Ten Versus Films. Enjoy! But remember, whoever wins, we lose/get eaten.