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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #67

    OH SWEET JESUS, HAVE YOU SEEN THE RAIN? April is determined to go out with a soggy bang, and now all your plans for a nice picnic have been drowned in sky-water there’s literally no reason for you not to go to the cinema tonight. You could even take in your pork pies and ginger beer and that! Thrift and films and pretending to be in the Famous Five, that’s the Best For Film way…

  • In Defence of Robert Pattinson

    Every group needs a hate figure. In music, it’s the squeaky voiced sick-midget Justin Bieber, in Christianity it’s that scheming git Judas, and in film that hate figure has gradually become mop-haired vampire-face Robert Pattinson. But guys, c’mon! Don’t hate the player, hate the game! The game in this case being “make loadsa cash out of thick people-ball”. Pattinson’s not to blame, he’s just trying his best.

  • Cheat Sheet: Samuel L. Jackson

    This week he’s starring in the fifth of nine Marvel movies due to feature his gleaming head and mellifluous voice. Last week he was probably playing golf. Next week he’ll be straight back to making another film, because that’s how he rolls. This week’s cheat sheet is all about Samuel L. Jackson, which automatically makes it the most badass Cheat Sheet of all time.