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  • 10 reasons you should bother with the Harry Potter Studio Tour

    Following the much anticipated opening of the new Harry Potter Studio Tour, we thought it was only fair that that we create a wipe-clean, drunk-friendly list of reasons you as human Muggles should part with your cash to essentially spend a few hours not being in the Harry Potter films. Presenting, the top 10 most pressing incentives to go and experience the magic of the films’ creation for yourself, as a handy acrostic poem (Dumbledore bloody LOVES this kind of stuff).

  • Top 10 Reasons Why Joss Whedon Is The Best

    Remember how good Buffy was? And Firefly and Serenity? And Angel? And Firefly? DO YOU REMEMBER? DO YOU? Here at BFF we remember because, much like elephants well-versed in the art of watching films and TV shows and writing nonsense about them, WE NEVER FORGET ABOUT THOSE FILMS AND TV SHOWS. To cut a long story very short (because we’re all wetting ourselves over the release of Cabin in the Woods and need to get to the toilet pronto) we bring you a Top Ten list that would make even Terrence Malick quake in his hermit boots. So here, take these words and read them knowing there’s no way you will ever be as good a person as Joss Whedon. Oh, and, we should probably say….SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS.

  • Top 10 Ships in Film

    To celebrate the release of groundbreaking nonsense Battleship, we’ve sailed the high seas of cinema in search of the silver screen’s best ever boats. Which is your favourite? The Pequod? La Amistad? The Potemkin? Yeah, none of them are in it.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #65

    It’s a Wednesday, and the aliens are here! It’s alright though, because they appear to be sea-dwelling aliens and there aren’t any cinemas at sea – your 2-4-1 deal is safe as houses, so crack on and enjoy (relatively) cheap film tickets before the world is incinerated! Hang on, what do you mean you don’t know what to watch?