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  • This Week’s Releases: The Trailers

    Ahhhh Sunday. The day where pure, unadulterated Watching is, legally, the only thing any self-respecting human can do. Hang up those thoughts of productivity – they can wait till Monday. Settle down into your pants, get trailer happy, and figure out what you’ll be watching this week…

  • News Round-Up Jan 30th – Feb 3rd

    Another week, another torrent of news which nobody will care about by Monday. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care now! A thorough grounding in contemporary film trivia is the best CV in the world, and we’re here to make sure you get the job of your dreams (working in Blockbuster)…

  • Khodorkovsky

    “If we were in another state,” mutters one of Cyril Tuschi’s interviewees, “I could be a lot more open with you”. And therein lies the problem. A vital but ultimately frustrating documentary about one of Russia’s most controversial oligarchs, Khodorkovsky does its best to shed light on the mind-meltingly shady dealings between Vladimir Putin and the man who went from being one of the richest businessmen in the world to a Siberian prisoner. The constant political road-blocks can’t help but take their toll on the feature’s punch, but it’s fascinating stuff all the same.

  • Friday Drinking Game #37 – Star Wars, Episodes I – III

    Do you know what’s out next week? The 3D version of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, that’s what. We’re warily eyeing our invite to the screening and wondering how we could possibly get out of going. To keep us distracted from the inevitably disappointing experience, we’ve decided to get very drunk and mock George Lucas. So grab some Ewoks, a bucketful of booze and a novelty lightsaber-stirrer; things are about to get messy…

  • Sound It Out

    Slice-of-life documentaries are all well and good, but life can be horribly mundane and depressing sometimes. Sadly, Sound It Out‘s plea to save a record store and Britain’s ailing music industry will leave you wanting to chuck all your vinyl into a landfill.