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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #47

    Did you read that thing in the news today? Dreadful, wasn’t it? And that other thing, that thing that happened in the place? Miserable. And that guy, that awful guy, well… what a world. Still, there’s always TWO FOR ONE CINEMA, isn’t there? Drowning out all earthly worries with stoic passivity will almost definitely make everything OK. What are we watching this week? READ ON.

  • Tatsumi

    How much do you know about manga? Specifically, gekiga? Specifically, the gekiga of Yoshihiro Tatsumi? Loads? Fantastic, you’ll absolutely love Tatsumi. This beautiful, profound and very odd animation veers between enthralling and unnerving, but the casual viewer may leave the cinema a wee bit baffled.

  • Take Shelter

    Michael Shannon shines in Jeff Nichols’ psychological drama as a man haunted by visions of the world ending. The middle section of the film is somewhat repetitive, but the last half hour will leave you teetering on the edge of your seat. Imaginative, scary, thrilling and beautiful all in one go, Take Shelter is an astonishing film that will stay with you. And probably for much longer than you’ll be comfortable with.

  • A Useful Life

    A sombre, quietly funny and frustratingly unhurried little homage to traditional movie-going as well as a warning to those who dedicate their lives to it, the lethargic A Useful Life is just about self-aware enough to keep you interested. Also – and this is the key thing – it’s quite short.