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  • The Best Horror Films That Have Never and Will Never Exist

    The witching hour approaches and the fire is burning low, dear friends. So gather close and listen we list some of the greatest Halloween classics to… what? Made them up? Of course not! All of these are one hundred percent genuine films. If by genuine you mean that they came to us in a dream and we wrote them down and crudely edited some images. In that case they totally are.

  • Friday Face/Off: Alan Moore films

    Thinking about rewatching From Hell this Hallowe’en weekend? Before you do, cast an eye over this week’s Face/Off, where two of our most debauched and confused writers will be trying to hammer out an answer to that thorny old question: are films adaptations of Alan Moore graphic novels universally dreadful? Come, read and make up your mind…

  • The Help

    Look, racism is bad, no matter what you say. We’re treading familiar ground with this well-coiffed and rather saccharine exploration of 60s Mississippi, but lovely performances and brisk plotting just about make The Help worth a watch. A word of warning: you’ll want fried chicken after. No-one said you’d feel good about that.

  • Friday Drinking Game #26 – Slasher films

    It’s nearly Hallowe’en, and that means three things – today is Kayleigh‘s birthday (yay!), the horror DVDs are about to come out and everyone needs to get outrageously trolleyed. So with at least two of those considerations in mind, we present our slasher film drinking game. Watch out for that precariously balanced knife…

  • RA. One

    ‘Wait. What? What is, what is going on? Is that a robot? Oh. Hang on. They’re dancing now. And singing! Where did those ladies in bikinis come from? Oh my god! Is he – is he dead? This is so sad! And touching and – wait. Intermission?’ My brain, the whole way through this film.

  • The Deep Blue Sea

    Whether or not you’re a Terence Rattigan fan, this classic story of lust and loss will leave you mistrusting polygons as only a skilfully crafted love triangle can. Whisking the audience deep into a simple and unbearably touching love story, The Deep Blue Sea is the most elegant and perfectly constructed film you’ll see all year.