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  • Friday Face/Off: Book Adaptations

    It’s the end of the week, we’re sick of looking at each other and according to recent developments it looks like violence gets you on TV. What else is there to do but Face/Off? Today it’s a twisty little topic; the art of the adaptation.

  • The Interrupters

    The Interrupters is one gang violence film that manages to avoid showing much in the way of gang violence. Set in areas of Chicago run by prominent local gangs renowned for fatal conflicts, the film captures a year in the lives of three “violence interrupters”, Ameena, Cobe and Eddie. They work for CeaseFire, an organisation which claims to treat violence as infectious diseases are treated: that is, to interrupt it at the source. Relevant much?

  • Interview! We talk to The Salt of Life star Gianni Di Gregorio

    Over the last three years, Gianni Di Gregorio has shot to international prominence with the release of two successive films which he directed and wrote as well as starring in. 2008’s Mid-August Lunch won universal acclaim and his new film The Salt of Life is, we suspect, about to do the same. We caught up with Gianni to talk Woody Allen, Monsieur Hulot and Silvio Berlusconi…

  • Mr. Popper’s Penguins

    Remember that Jim Carrey film? The one where he’s a bad Dad? And then he’s eventually not? Because of some magic, or, like, hugging or something? Yeah. Mr Popper’s Penguins is that film. But the magic is the magic of PENGUINS, and when he hugs things, the things that he hugs are PENGUINS PENGUINS PENGUINS