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  • Cheat Sheet: John Lasseter

    Over the years we have sat back with our families, with various sugary goods, and have indulged ourselves in some quality CGI filled entertainment courtesy of Pixar. But who do we rave about when they’re over? Well it certainly isn’t the man who made it all possible. Let us appreciate this unsung hero by looking over his years of achievement in the world of family entertainment. Ladies and gentlemen, this is John Lasseter’s Cheat Sheet.

  • Around the World in Eight Films

    With this summer set for forty days and forty nights of rain, us BFFers are gettin’ outta here! Or not. Because let’s face it, where would you be without our continual filmic drivel to keep you entertained during these darkened days? No, instead we’re humouring ourselves with a virtual trip that will take us to sun-soaked exotic places without leaving the comforts of our rather comfy office. So get your flight socks on and your mozzie spray out, ‘cos we’re going round the world in eight holiday-based films!

  • The Silent House

    Loosely based on true events, this South American horror promises “real fear in real time”, with its action purportedly playing out in a single, uncut take. Delivering for the majority of its running time, the film is let down most by its conclusion; a sigh that undermines the shocks. Yet for genre fans, The Silent House remains a curio that deserves to be watched – especially before the American remake arrives.