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  • Movies that define a city: Europe

    When I was told to have a cinematic look at Europe’s capital cities, I grabbed my passport and my rusty camcorder and rushed eagerly towards Heathrow. But it turns out they just wanted me to tell you about the best films featuring those cities. Cheapskates.

  • Friday Drinking Game #12 – Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

    You’ve made it through another long hard week. Your liver is just beginning to believe that it’s all going to be all right and that we learned our lesson last week. Little did it know… After a nostalgic root around the DVDs you come across a classic, one that all will remember. A beautiful old story – and what better way to enjoy a beautiful story than to watch it and drink until you’re blind. Crack open the whiskey and dive in!

  • Friday Face/Off: Rom-Coms

    Friday will keep rolling around, dammit, and it’s become somewhat of a tradition on this sad, sad day for two BFF guards to fight it out on a topic of contention. This week, it’s the fluffiest of all demonic reprobates: The Rom-Com.

  • Small Screen/Silver Screen: How TV is taking on Hollywood

    A renaissance is taking place in American television, with the quality and originality of recent programming equalling anything that Hollywood can offer. The newest arrival of Game of Thrones shows what television is capable of, telling a story that perhaps could not be told in film. Could it be that television is finally going to overtake film in terms of artistic credibility?