Latest articles

  • The Hangover: Part II

    As Todd Phillips insists on telling each of us, personally, on an hourly basis, The Hangover was the highest-grossing R-rated comedy of all time. And if people enjoyed watching irresponsible men wander around a dangerous city carrying a baby and looking for their possibly dead friend two years ago, then why wouldn’t they love seeing exactly the same thing again? With a monkey!

  • Psalm 21

    Psalm 21 seems to be a film that was born after someone discovered a new button on Adobe After Effects: the scary grey face button. After finding this fun new special effect, the filmmakers then crowbarred the plot around it; oh, it’s a film about the evils of religion? No problem, we can give people scary grey faces and it will be a metaphor or something.

  • Top Ten Sci-Fi Adaptations

    Since the dawn of cinema, it has become the standard for any successful novel to make the transition from text to film. This is something that many purists distain saying that it taints the original and eventually make it obsolete (despite the fact that a successful movie will, in almost all cases, raise sales on the original novel). Literary critique aside it has to be said that some of the best movies ever made are adaptations of novels, and as such we have compiled a top ten list of the best adaptations from Sci-Fi/ Fantasy literature to film.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #21

    It’s THE WEEK BEFORE LOADS OF EXCITING FILMS COME OUT – that’s the best kind of week. But fear not, we’re here to get you laid, and dammit, that’s what we’ll do. Sorry, did we say “laid?” We meant to say “to a cinema at a reasonable discount.” HURRAH FOR ORANGE WEDNESDAYS!

  • Top 15 Money shots of the Noughties

    There was all kinds of debate about what to call this blog. In the end we decided to keep the name Money shots, if you were expecting something else from a film website then perhaps we could satisfy you (urgh) with this blog on the top 15 visually stunning moments in film from 2000 – 2009.