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  • Metalocalypse Season 3

    It’s time to don the corpse paint and bullet belts, because Adult Swim’s Metalocalypse is back to wreak Deth and commercialised destruction upon the masses – and Season 3 promises to be just as totally freakin’ brutal as the first two instalments.

  • Mars Needs Moms

    Mars Needs Moms.The title says it all, really. Convoluted premise and poor script aside though, the worst part really needs to be seen to be believed as Robert Zemeckis and ImageMovers once again attempt to render non-repellent humanoid characters to screen…

  • Cheat Sheet: Marion Cotillard

    Psst! What do you know about Marion Cotillard? Yeah, obviously she’s gorgeous – and yes, she was indeed in bloody Inception. Honestly, is that all you’ve got? It’s a worry, it really is. If we were you, we’d be on the look out for some sort of helpful sheet of facts with which you could cheat your way through a conversation about her…

  • Top 10 Movie LADS

    Who, in the entire history of the movies, has been the most badly behaved? Whose pursuit of sex, drugs and glory was the most relentless, debauched or just downright deplorable? We raise our shot glasses to our Top 10 real life movie LADS, all of whom go to prove that rock and roll is alive, well, and probably trying to sleep with you.

  • Monday Mash-Up!

    It’s the 14th Monday since we started our quest to mash up absolutely everyone in the world with a conveniently rhyming name. Bet you didn’t expect us to last this long, did you? Neither did we, so for God’s sake have a look and validate all the wasted hours we’ve spent putting people on top of other people for no reason whatsoever.