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  • Louise-Michel

    It’s a difficult thing not to get mired in the seriousness of social commentary when you have something particularly serious to say. Enter Louise-Michel, the absurdist story about social revolutionism, fiscal utopias and transgender-hitmen, and a film that delivers its sobering message with an indulgent dose of dark humour and sheer, unadulterated madness.

  • Cheat Sheet: Jane Goldman

    At Cheat Sheet Villas (it’s a granny flat in the grounds of Best For Film Towers), we’re always on the lookout for stars with a less extravagant public profile than the Britneys and LiLos of the world; then we expose them and shamelessly drag all their secrets into the merciless light of day like squirming vampire children being torn from their coffins. This week, it’s the turn of screenwriter extraordinaire Jane Goldman!


    Unmistaken Child is the breathtaking journaey of a young boy who has all the skills of a novice monk’s dead Tibetan master. Could reincarnation exist? This film got rave reviews and we have 3 copies on DVD to give away! Competition ends 06 May 2011.