Search results for "cinema experience"

  • 3 Idiots

    With the recent box-office success of movies like The Hangover and Superbad, it was only a matter of time before the bromance genre spread from the sets of Hollywood overseas. Now India is giving it a try, with this screen adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s novel that centres around two college friends on a journey to find their vanished buddy. But this film has a little more heart than your average drunken-exploits-and-fart-humour college romp.

  • Au revoir les enfants

    January 27 2015 marked 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz. Since the end of WWII, Cinema’s capacity to comprehend the industrial-scale murder of the European Jews has been tested..

  • My five favourite films

    A long time ago, when Best For Film Towers was as busy as it was happy, we had a blog series called Best For Film’s Favourite Flicks. It wasn’t regular, or concise, or tightly argued – Best For Film was never any of those things – but it was individual, it was witty and it showed off our brilliant writers to perfection. It’s still my favourite column onsite, because it offers the most insight into the motley crew of interns, freelancers, chancers and MA dropouts who have written for the site over the past four years.

  • Top 10 films that ruined sex forever

    Sex is awful isn’t it? Sweaty rutting that fails to stimulate a beneficial experience greater than the nerves, the physical exertion or the time you could have spent playing Final Fantasy XIV. Hello ladies, why yes I am single. Like most crippling personality defects, revulsion of sex probably stems from cinema. The great sex scenes are bad enough, creating a standard for physical beauty, ambient lighting and stamina that a mortal male could never hope to achieve, but it’s the terrible sex scenes that have really burrowed deep into your psyche.