Search results for "john travolta"

  • Friday Face/Off: Dance Films

    Is it time for the lovely relaxing weekend yet? Is it hell; you know the rules, nobody gets to go home until two of Best For Film’s crankiest writers (and none of us boast what you might call a sunny disposition) have it out on a contentious topic. This week it’s dance films; where do you stand?

  • The Dilemma of Selling Out

    As a rule, sellout films usually contain a colon and/or a number. We’re looking at you, Speed 2: Cruise Control. Yet, the definition of a ‘sellout’ is tricky, because producers are very good at making shit smell like roses, and before you know it you’re on the set of National Treasure: Book of Secrets. When you see a film and think, ‘what the devil is Globey McOscar doing in this?!’ we’ve got the three reasons behind their decision to sell their soul.

  • Top 10 date movies

    We were hard pushed. Should this be a list of the top 10 movies featuring dates – or the top 10 movies you would take a date to? Well, there’s no accounting for personal taste – some people will get their freak on to some bad sheeeit. So this one’s all about the top 10 date movies… with actual dates in.

  • Top Ten Dances in Movie History

    Whether it be Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace breaking it down 1950s style in Pulp Fiction, or Harry and Hermione’s awkward pas de deux in those Potter films, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten dances in movie history. Let their mistakes be your guide to what and what not to do this Friday night down the club.